This class teaches adult child and infant CPR and choking techniques using lecture, video, and manikin demonstration. Students will do return demonstration on the manikins to receive a certification card. This class is for daycare providers, teachers, foster parents and the lay public.
This course covers the principles of CPR and choking for the adult, child, and infant victim of stroke, choking or heart attack. Incorporating the use of the AED and barrier devices are also covered.
This class teaches basic first aid skills including controlling bleeding, recognizing shock, caring for burns, applying splints, and dealing with sudden illness. Class is taught using lecture, video, and hands-on practice. This class is for daycare providers, teachers, foster parents and the lay public.
This 8 hour class is taught during a one-day session. The class covers the following First Aid Topics: Bleeding, Abdominal Injuries, Shock, Pelvic Injuries, Stroke Fractures, Seizures, Sprains & Strains, Head Injuries, Sudden Medical Illnesses, Spinal Injuries, Diabetic Emergencies, Wounds & Dressings, Snake Bites, Eye Injuries, Insect Bites & Stings, Burns, Heat Emergencies, Chest Injuries, Cold Emergencies.
Learn what to do when your pet gets hurt! Pet first aid is the immediate care given to an injured or ill pet until veterinary care is available. This course focuses on dogs and cats, but with the skills learned can be applied to similar-sized animals. You will learn about approaching an injured animal, muscle and bone injuries, wound care, medical emergencies and dog and cat CPR. Please do not bring pets to class.
This training course is designed to give a basic understanding of bloodborne pathogens, common modes of their transmission, methods of prevention, and other pertinent information. Through this course, students will be able to meet the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) Bloodborne Pathogen Standard.
Students in this class will learn child and infant CPR. In addition they will learn how to control bleeding, caring for burns, dealing with sudden illness and accidents. They will also learn how to prevent home accidents, handle emergencies, safely find a job, and how to negotiate terms of employment. Even if a student is not interested in babysitting, they will learn valuable lifelong skills. Students will receive a certificate of participation suitable for framing.
This 2 day course covers the foundations of diagnosis and rapid treatment of various cardiac and neurological emergencies encountered in the prehospital and clinical settings. The course covers 10 core case studies outlined by the emergency cardiac care guidelines of the American Heart Association. The class consists of participative lecture as well as informative and interactive didactic sessions.Courses and instructors are certified by the American Heart Association.
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